
The Relational University of Gloucester, MA attempts to expound on the transformation of 

Rationalism into Relationalism

While Rationalism starts and ends with the description of independent atoms, 

Relationalism shows, as widely suspected, that 

everything is indeed harmoniously related to everything else.

Fifty years in the making, 27 of them assisted by a Nobel Laureate in economics, Professor Franco Modigliani and 23 by Professor M. L. Burstein, Relationalism springs from the reintroduction of Hoarding in the economic discourse. This is work that has been carried out through the development of Concordian economics, whose core is the proposition that Investment is Income minus Hoarding.

Hoarding creates unemployment
Hoarding creates inflation
Hoarding creates poverty.

After forty years of analysis, it became evident that this proposition is nothing by the mathematical formulation of the Parable of the Talents.

Indeed, going back in history, Hoarding helps us understand the importance of the Mosaic laws of the Jubilee, the systematic destruction of debt every seven years. 

A proclamation of Debt Jubilee leaves money in the pockets of people who are ready to spend it, rather than hoard it. Spending money is an essential condition for the amelioration of our distressed economic fortunes during this Coronavirus pandemic. 

Going forward in the present, from Debt Jubilee to The Economics of Jubilation there is but one step.

Going forward into the future, applying to most other intellectual disciplines the same rules of logic and epistemology that have yielded a thorough understanding of the economic process as the equivalence of Producion, Distribution, and Consumption, we can gradually build an in-depth understanding of Relationalism.

The aim of Relationalism is an ancient one: The aim is to move our minds against Irrationalism, a form of non-thought that goes from Sophism to Scientism to Anti-science.

The major steps in this progression are outlined in Work Program.


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